The Power of Automated Testing in Sales and Marketing Ops: A Strategic Investment for Long-Term Success

Illustration and text: The Power of Automated Testing in Sales and Marketing Ops

Manual vs Automated Testing

In the fast-paced world of Sales, Revenue and Marketing Operations, the need for efficiency and accuracy is paramount. When launching a new complex system or migration, the testing phase plays a crucial role in ensuring a seamless transition.

For years, the only option was manual testing. Even though automated testing has been around for years and is used by the fastest growing teams in the world, the concept is novel for most. Even when automated testing seems quicker in the short run, automated testing emerges as a strategic investment that pays off in the long term.

The Challenge of Manual Testing

While it certainly takes some thinking to understand a new skill, in most cases, automated testing takes just as long to setup and run as a manual test. When dealing with a complex process involving numerous scenarios, manually testing an exhaustive set of all scenarios can become a time-consuming endeavor and just plain time prohibitive.

Imagine testing 100 scenarios, reaching scenario 70 only to encounter a failure. In manual testing, fixing this issue and continuing from scenario 70 may seem like a logical approach. However, the real challenge lies in the potential impact on everything that preceded scenario 70.

The Domino Effect

In the intricate web of sales and marketing operations, each scenario is interconnected. The fix to the failure at scenario 70 may not only impact subsequent scenarios but could also have ramifications on those that came before. This domino effect is a significant risk that practitioners often underestimate when relying solely on manual testing.

Enter Automated Testing

Automated testing is a game-changer in this scenario. Sure, you could have saved a couple of minutes by manually testing the home page as Scenario 1. But now that you’ve built the test for Scenario 1 – 70, RE-testing those scenarios takes a couple of clicks. Manual testing would be a faustian dilemma – only retest Scenario 70, and hope everything earlier wasn’t impacted, or retest it all and face never releasing anything.

Automated testing allows for comprehensive regression testing, ensuring that every scenario is reevaluated after an issue is fixed.

The Power of Regression Testing

Regression testing is the secret weapon against the domino effect. When a failure occurs, automated testing enables practitioners to perform a full regression test effortlessly. By retesting every scenario, the system ensures that not only the identified issue is resolved but also that no unintended consequences have emerged elsewhere in the process.

Time Efficiency Over the Long Run

While manual testing might seem quicker initially, the time and effort invested in automated testing pay off when considering the broader scope. The efficiency gained from automated regression testing far outweighs the time saved by manual testing, especially when dealing with complex systems.

Risk Mitigation and Future-Proofing

Automated testing not only helps in addressing current issues efficiently but also serves as a proactive measure for future changes. As systems evolve, automated tests can be easily adapted and expanded, providing a safety net against unforeseen challenges.

Automated Testing is a Strategic Investment

In the dynamic landscape of sales and marketing operations, embracing automated testing is not just about saving time – it’s about making a strategic investment in the long-term success of your systems. By understanding the importance of regression testing and the potential domino effect of failures, practitioners can position themselves for a more robust, efficient, and future-proof operational environment. Automated testing is not just a tool; it’s a strategic ally that empowers sales and marketing ops professionals to navigate the complexities of their ever-evolving landscape with confidence.