Revenue Observability FAQ

Observability software is a $12 billion category of products that began in the cloud infrastructure space. Developer operations (DevOps) teams use observability tools to measure cloud infrastructure health by analyzing the data it creates. Companies like Datadog, New Relic, AppDynamics, and Splunk help to track and troubleshoot components of cloud infrastructure.

Now Observability is expanding to bring the same capabilities to different areas of infrastructure.

Think of monitoring as measurement for the problems you know about. Observability includes monitoring but also helps you uncover the problems you don’t know about. Observability provides discovery and overall infrastructure health assessment, in addition to monitoring of known systems, workflows, and metrics.

Revenue Observability provides comprehensive visibility of how marketing and sales systems and processes impact revenue generation. It offers real-time insights, data analysis, and visualization to help organizations keep their revenue infrastructure performing as intended, identify bottlenecks, and make data-driven decisions.

Traditional observability tools help DevOps focus on monitoring and troubleshooting technical aspects of cloud infrastructure. They are not built for the kinds of problems revenue operations (RevOps)  teams are trying to solve. Revenue Observability specifically targets marketing and sales infrastructure. It monitors and analyzes data from marketing and sales platforms, ensuring that systems stay healthy, campaigns launch without bugs, and leads flow as expected. Revenue infrastructure is typically complex, brittle, and at least partly undocumented. When something breaks, it can take days or weeks to notice, costing companies millions of dollars in lost potential revenue.

Just like cloud infrastructure, revenue infrastructure continues to grow more complex and difficult to maintain. Tools like Marketo and Salesforce aren’t just SaaS apps. They are development ecosystems, with their own development languages, APIs, and workflow engines. They function in some ways like data warehouses while also performing as systems of record and user experience platforms. Many other tools integrate with, and modify data and workflows in these core systems. Modern companies now have 30 or more tech components in their revenue ecosystem, and no clear way to see how they are performing. Rev ops teams spend thousands of hours and billions of dollars manually testing, hunting breaks, and recovering from bugs and outages.

Revenue Observability offers several benefits, including:

  • Integration with every system of record for revenue teams
  • Improved understanding of the processes that run in between and on top of core systems: Customer flows, data pipelines, and website and system health.
  • Real-time insights and alerts to identify revenue-impacting issues promptly.
  • Data-driven decision-making to optimize marketing and sales strategies.
  • Enhanced collaboration between marketing, sales, analytics, and revenue operations teams.

Revenue Observability includes the following features:

  • Real-time dashboard for monitoring and visualization of system and process health.
  • Workflow engine for building, templating, and running test scenarios 
  • Lead flow tracking.
  • Campaign testing and monitoring (Test-Driven Marketing)
  • Anomaly detection and alerts for revenue-impacting issues.
  • Data governance for published field values.

Revenue Observability can benefit a range of teams and roles within an organization, including:

  • Marketing teams: Gain insights into campaign performance, conversion rates, and revenue attribution.
  • Sales teams: Understand the impact of marketing efforts on revenue generation and track customer journeys.
  • Revenue operations teams: Optimize revenue processes, identify bottlenecks, and improve revenue forecasting.
  • Executives and management: Make data-driven decisions to improve overall revenue performance.
  • Analytics teams: Be notified real time when data or systems are outside expected norms

A Revenue Stack is all the apps and systems operated by the marketing, sales, and other go-to-market (revenue) operations teams.

In addition to the Revenue Stack, revenue operations teams maintain workflows, processes, code repositories, best practices, and other vital assets running on top of and between their core systems. Examples include lead lifecycle, campaign launch checklists, lead scoring algorithms, and rules of engagement. Combined with the Revenue Stack, this comprises the Revenue Infrastructure.

Yes, Revenue Observability is designed to integrate with various marketing and sales systems commonly used in organizations. It can integrate with popular customer relationship management (CRM) systems, marketing automation platforms, advertising platforms, analytics tools, and more. This ensures seamless data flow and enables a comprehensive view of revenue-related metrics across your tech stack.

Yes, Revenue Observability can benefit organizations of all sizes. Small businesses can leverage it to gain confidence in their marketing and sales performance and establish quality practices. Large enterprises can use it to monitor complex marketing and sales operations, ensure uptime, minimize launch time for quality campaigns, and improve collaboration between teams.

Most companies use manual processes to QA campaigns and lead flows, often engaging contractors and agencies. With the move to centralized revenue operations, more teams are finding that manual work is not able to keep up with the complexity of revenue infrastructure and the processes that run on them. Most revenue infrastructure problems are neither known, nor monitored.

Many of the principles of revenue observability are possible with manual processes. Currently, Stack Moxie is the only provider of a complete, purpose-built Revenue Observability product. To get started, reach out to our team for a demo, or create a free account.