Dynamics 365 to Salesforce Migration

Dynamics 365 to Salesforce Migration

Your customer relationship management (CRM) is a critical tool in your revenue tech stack, and it’s important that you choose the best one for your organization’s size, needs, and goals. The decision to undertake a Dynamics 365 to Salesforce migration is pivotal for organizations aiming to enhance their CRM capabilities. 

This guide introduces the essential considerations and benefits of making such a transition, highlighting how Salesforce’s advanced features, extensive customization options, and robust ecosystem can offer superior scalability and flexibility to meet changing business needs. As companies strive for greater efficiency, better customer insights, and improved sales performance, understanding the strategic approach to migration is crucial for leveraging the full potential of Salesforce’s platform.

Preparation Phase

Preparing for a migration from Dynamics to Salesforce involves a series of strategic steps designed to set your project up for success. First, define clear migration goals that align with your overarching business objectives. This clarity will guide every decision you make throughout the process. Next, conduct an in-depth audit of your existing Dynamics 365 setup, including data, processes, and any customizations. This audit will highlight what’s essential to migrate and identify potential challenges.

Engaging stakeholders is crucial; gather a team that includes members from various departments who understand the nuances of your current system and the needs for the new Salesforce environment. This team will be invaluable for providing insights and facilitating smooth communication across the organization.

Lastly, selecting the right Salesforce products and licenses is essential. Salesforce offers a variety of products and editions tailored to different business needs. Assess your requirements carefully to choose the solutions that best match your organization’s size, complexity, and goals. This preparation ensures that you’re not just migrating data and processes, but also strategically positioning your organization to leverage Salesforce’s capabilities fully.

Planning Phase

As you map out this transition, the planning phase is a critical stage where you lay out a detailed roadmap for your migration from Dynamics 365 to Salesforce. This involves mapping out your data migration strategy, identifying necessary customizations and integrations, and planning workflows. 

A meticulous timeline with clear milestones will help manage the project effectively. It’s also vital to develop a risk management plan to mitigate potential issues during the migration. This structured approach ensures a comprehensive plan that addresses both the technical and organizational facets of the migration, setting the stage for a successful transition to Salesforce.

Data Preparation and Cleanup Phase

The data preparation and cleanup phase is aimed at ensuring the highest quality of data before transferring it from Dynamics 365 to Salesforce. Begin with an exhaustive audit of your Dynamics 365 data to identify all data points, their formats, and how they are used within your business processes. This step is crucial for understanding the scope and complexity of the data you’re working with.

Once you’ve audited your data, undertake a thorough cleaning process. This involves identifying and merging duplicate records, correcting erroneous data, standardizing data formats, and filling in missing information. The goal is to ensure that the data being migrated is accurate, consistent, and complete. Not all data in Dynamics 365 may be necessary or relevant in Salesforce. Make strategic decisions about which data sets are critical for your business operations in Salesforce. Consider factors like data’s impact on customer relationships, reporting needs, and regulatory compliance.

Adjust the structure of your data to match Salesforce’s data model. This might involve re-mapping fields, converting data types, and organizing data into Salesforce’s standard and custom objects. Proper structuring is key to utilizing Salesforce’s robust features effectively. Implement comprehensive data backup strategies to prevent any loss of data during the migration. This includes creating full backups of your Dynamics 365 data and having a recovery plan in place. Additionally, assess and plan for any security implications related to your data migration, ensuring that sensitive data is protected throughout the process.

Before proceeding with the full migration, conduct pilot tests with a subset of your data. This allows you to identify any issues in your data preparation and cleanup process and make necessary adjustments. Pilot testing reduces the risk of errors and ensures a smoother migration process.

Migration Execution

When you’re ready to execute your migration, you’ll need to focus on several key activities:

  • Select Migration Tools: Choose tools that match your data’s complexity and volume, considering both Dynamics 365 and Salesforce capabilities.
  • Data Mapping: Carefully map Dynamics 365 fields to Salesforce fields, ensuring that data aligns correctly in the new system.
  • Salesforce Customization: Customize Salesforce to fit your business needs, including adjusting layouts, fields, and creating custom objects.
  • Data Migration: Begin the actual data transfer, closely monitoring the process for errors or data loss.
  • Testing: Conduct comprehensive testing, including unit testing for individual components, system testing for overall functionality, and user acceptance testing to ensure the system meets user needs.
  • Validation and Go-Live Preparation: Validate the migrated data and prepare for the Salesforce system go-live, ensuring all users are ready and the system is fully operational.


Post-Migration Activities are essential for maximizing the benefits of the new Salesforce system and ensuring smooth operations post-transition. This phase includes several critical steps:

  • Training and Support: Implement comprehensive training programs for both end-users and IT staff, tailored to different roles and levels of Salesforce usage. Offer continuous support to address queries and challenges promptly.
  • Maintenance and Continuous Improvement: Establish a routine maintenance schedule to ensure the Salesforce system remains efficient and up-to-date. Use feedback from users and performance data to continuously improve system functionality and user experience.
  • Performance Monitoring: Regularly monitor system performance and user adoption rates to identify any bottlenecks or areas where users may require additional support or training.
  • Feedback Loop and Iteration: Create mechanisms for collecting user feedback on the Salesforce platform’s usability and effectiveness. Use this feedback to make informed decisions on future enhancements or customizations.
  • Post-Migration Review: Conduct a thorough review of the migration process to assess what went well and identify areas for improvement. This review should involve key stakeholders and cover aspects such as data integrity, user satisfaction, and achievement of project goals.

By focusing on these activities, you can ensure that the transition to Salesforce not only meets the immediate needs of your organization but also lays the foundation for ongoing optimization and success.

Succeed with Stack Moxie

83% of data migrations either fail outright or exceed their allotted budgets and implementation schedules. 

Stack Moxie helps you beat the odds with automated tests that protect your systems and help you achieve a successful migration. Key Stack Moxie tests for migrations include:

  • Regression Testing: Ensures that new changes haven’t adversely affected existing functionalities.
  • Lead Lifecycle: Monitors the journey of leads to ensure no disruptions or errors.
  • GDPR Data Flows: Ensures compliance with data protection standards.
  • Lead Mapping: Tracks the alignment and accuracy of lead data.
  • MQL Monitoring: Keeps a close eye on Marketing Qualified Leads for any discrepancies.
  • Form Regression Testing: Validates the functionality of forms post-migration.

As your team constructs and rolls out migration assets, tests and validations can be built concurrently. This synchronized approach means the moment an asset is deployed, it’s immediately tested. The result? A significant reduction in testing time and the prompt detection of any disruptions.

Additionally, after migrating data, workflows, and integrations, there are fundamental QA tests you should run to ensure the new platform functions as expected. This phase identifies any issues before going live, ensuring a seamless transition for users and maintaining business continuity.

  • Functionality Testing: Verify that all features work correctly in the new environment, including data processing, workflow execution, and user interactions.
  • Data Verification: Check the accuracy and integrity of migrated data. Ensure all critical data is correctly transferred and accessible.
  • Integration Testing: Test the functionality of integrated third-party tools to confirm they work seamlessly with the new platform.
  • User Acceptance Testing (UAT): Involve end-users to validate the migration from a user perspective. Gather feedback on usability and address any concerns.
  • Performance Testing: Assess the system’s performance under various conditions to ensure it meets operational requirements.

Document any issues encountered during testing, prioritize them based on their impact, and address them promptly. Repeat testing as necessary until all critical issues are resolved, ensuring the platform is reliable and ready for deployment.

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