Perform Marketing QA From Airtable Spreadsheets with Stack Moxie

airtable spreadsheet triggers feature release

Marketers know that in order to achieve error-free campaigns, they need to be tested and QA’d before they launch. Different teams accomplish this in different ways—but no matter how you test, it’s crucial that everyone is onboard and contributing to the QA process.

Today, Stack Moxie helps organizations automatically test and validate their tech stack and campaigns end-to-end, making it a lighter lift and easier to methodize. But for larger teams with a variety of roles, like field marketers, agencies, consultants, and junior marketers, it isn’t always possible to give everyone who needs to QA access to this tool. Instead, subsections of the marketing team may manage their own testing from a spreadsheet. And while it’s great that these offer an easy way to perform quality checks, they can be difficult to standardize.

That’s why Stack Moxie is bringing the rigorous testing capabilities of our native platform to the spreadsheets you already use. Give every member of your team the ability to perform high quality, robust testing, without any training needed to use a new tool. This feature was launched for Google Sheets last year, and is now available for Airtable to give your team the power of easy QA no matter what spreadsheet you use.

Not Another Tool

The world of marketing technology is growing rapidly, and many marketing operations professionals are wary of adding yet another platform to an already-complicated system of tools. That’s why we wanted to make sure that Stack Moxie could pull double duty, giving experienced marketing and marketing operations leaders a place to perform all the intricate, dispersed testing they need while bringing our QA robots into the sheets your other team members already use.

That means there’s no need to provide training or bring them up to speed on a new way to QA—it’s the same process they’re used to, just easier (and faster!). They can verify that end-to-end is successful without full Stack Moxie access and save hundreds of hours on manual testing.

Save Time, Effort, and Headaches

Launching campaigns and just hoping nothing breaks is a thing of the past. It’s possible now to test thoroughly and execute confidently, knowing your team has already found and fixed what could have gone wrong.

With spreadsheet triggers, you can give your team the tools they need to ensure high quality testing and launches across your tech stack and campaigns, right from the platform they’re already comfortable using. And with the potential to save hundreds of hours across your team in manual testing, you’ll be free to do more in less time.

Talk to a Stack Moxie project manager to find out how Stack Moxie might fit into your organization’s marketing goals.

Or, see for yourself and get started with a free account. Get 25 tests per month free, for life, and start taming your tech stack today.