Unlock a New Level of Control over UTMs and Campaign Naming with Stack Moxie’s Campaign and UTM Builder

As your team grows and your campaigns expand, it’s impossible for Marketing Operations admins to maintain control over tracking. There are too many people putting links in too many places, which causes your tried and true templates and worksheets to degrade over time and lose their value.

And when your data values are no longer linked to their primary source of truth, you lose visibility into how campaigns are performing, which equals a major blindspot for your analytics and reporting.

That’s why Stack Moxie is introducing a new and improved way to retain control over building URLs and tracking them, regardless of how big your team gets. Keep the link building process harmonized with your Salesforce picklists and implement a fast, reliable method of creating the URLs your campaigns need, in bulk. Plus, ensure naming conventions are always followed and consistent, allowing more people to make UTMs and find what they need quickly.

We’ve launched our updated free UTM builder and campaign builder to make planning and executing your marketing efforts easy.

A look at the Stack Moxie UTM and Campaign builders.

A UTM and campaign builder created with teams in mind

Creating and running campaigns is stressful. There are a lot of people making a lot of links and naming a lot of things – with all that movement, something is bound to go wrong. Templates and worksheets help wrangle things into place, but they’re only good as long as the dataset remains unchanged. The second values in Salesforce are updated, all existing workflows break. Plus it’s hard to find anything when your team isn’t following the naming conventions you set, and the larger the team the bigger the problem becomes.

Recommended Viewing: Launching Mission-Critical Campaign Operations

Tracking URLs and naming campaigns should be easier. There needs to be a standard way to ensure your team uses the correct naming conventions, automatically update data values, and put some guardrails on the URL creation process to prevent people from messing it up.

With Stack Moxie’s free UTM and Campaign builders, you can do all of that and more. We’ve added the following features to make your life that much easier.

UTM Builder: 

  • Complete configuration over your URL’s parameters
  • Data standardization of values for each parameter
  • Field mapping between Source & Mediums so mismatched values never occur
  • Blueprints grouped by campaign types allows URL creation in a snap
  • Shortened URLs are editable if errors ever occur
  • Automated QA testing for links to ensure pages convert properly
  • Download your list of URLs or review your historical URL set

Campaign Builder:

  • Create the Naming Convention perfectly tailored for your business
  • Choose the modifiers between data inputs to form the syntax for your convention
  • Maintain data standards for the naming convention to ensure accurate reporting
  • Copy the name generated or automatically create it in Salesforce

Campaign creation no longer needs to be stressful. Even if you have a growing team, you can still have full control of the entire process. Simply set your naming conventions and your UTM blueprint and Stack Moxie will instantly generate all the links you need for the campaign while making sure your team is creating them just how Marketing Ops needs them to be. 

Let Stack Moxie support your team (for free!)

The UTM builder and campaign builder are available now with a free-for-life Stack Moxie account. Sign up now or log in to start creating excellence, the simple way. From campaign operations to error troubleshooting, Stack Moxie helps your team achieve end-to-end observability of your revenue tech stack so you can fix faster and win bigger.