Quick! Are Your High-Priority Website Pages Loading?

Look at your watch. Do you know if your website’s high-priority pages are up right now?

Are your landing pages loading?

Can users access the login page?

Being able to quickly test if a website’s top pages are loading would be really helpful right about now.

Stack Moxie Automates the Marketing Operations QA Process

Now all your team has to do is tick one box in a Google Sheet to know whether or not there are any issues with the site’s high priority pages.

That’s why the Stack Moxie team created a way to automate marketing quality assurance (QA) testing, such as performance of high-priority website pages. 

Panic attack averted. 

Here’s How It Works

Here’s how your team can set up automated marketing QA testing in a spreadsheet:

  • Using a Stack Moxie template, your team’s Super Admin can set up testing capabilities from your Google Sheet. This can be a Google Sheet your team already uses.
  • Anyone from your team with access to the Google Sheet can authorize testing. This allows all team members to conduct testing without having their own unique Stack Moxie login.
  • The information from the page test is then deposited into the same spreadsheet. Keeping all the data secure and in one place.
  • Spreadsheet users can generate a schedule for their testing to run hourly/daily/weekly or whatever works best for their needs.

Ready to see the Stack Moxie spreadsheet integration feature in person? Schedule a free demo today!